Difference Between Basmati Rice and White Rice
By Andrew Parker - July 10, 2022

Rice exists and is a staple across many cultures all across the world. It is only natural that many grain breeds should exist on the market as geography changes, but Basmati rice is a local breed that has broken regional boundaries. How exactly is it able to compete with the generic white rice? And what is the difference?

Table Summary

Basmati RiceRegular White Rice
Absorbs little water and cooks in less timeIt absorbs more water, causing stickiness and takes longer to cook.
Lower GI index and higher calorie contentHigher GI index and lower calorie content
The distinct nutty flavor and spicy aromaThe taste is almost starchy, and there is no distinct aroma.


Basmati Rice is a type of long-grain rice that originates from the Himalayas and is especially prominent in Indian and South-Asian cuisine. It is, in fact, the longest of the long-grain types of rice and would double in size after cooking. Popular dishes that feature Basmati rice as the main ingredient include Biryani and Pilau due to their aroma and nutty flavor. Basmati rice can be brown, white, or even red.

White rice is milled rice with its husk, bran, and germ removed. It is most common because it is easier to store and digest and requires less processing than rice types like Basmati.

Basmati VS White Rice

Nutritionally, Basmati rice is simpler than processed white rice, usually fortified with vitamins and minerals during production. White rice contains about 60 calories less than Basmati rice, while Basmati contains antioxidants and fibre. Both kinds of rice also look different from each other. Basmati rice cooks longer than white rice and, when cooked well, is firm, fluffy and does not stick together. Cooked white rice takes more time and tends to be soft and sticky with rounded grains at the tips. It also has a distinct aroma and a nutty and spicy flavour paired with spicy dishes.