Difference Between Black Tea and Green Tea
By Laura Lee - June 9, 2023

Two of the most popular types of tea are black tea and green tea. These two forms of tea can be gotten from the same plant – the Camilla sinensis plant is a typical example. They also share many of the same qualities and health advantages. So, what is the distinction between black and green tea?


Black tea is the most common, fully fermented before drying while green tea usually describes tea that is light in color and prepared from non-oxidized leaves before drying.

Black Tea vs. Green Tea

The primary distinction between black and green tea is how they are processed and the amount of oxidation they undergo. Green tea leaves are heated after harvesting to stop oxidation, commonly by steaming or pan-firing, which is why they retain their beautiful green color. Meanwhile, black tea is allowed to oxidize fully after harvesting, resulting in a dark tint.

Black tea is cultivated predominantly in Nepal, Vietnam, China, and India, whereas green tea is grown and drunk mainly in Japan and China. Another significant distinction between black and green tea is how they are brewed. It is recommended that making black tea with boiling water should be at or around 212 degrees Fahrenheit. In general, black tea should be steeped for 3-5 minutes, while certain tea kinds may require more or less time. Green tea is made using water that is considerably cooler, generally about 175 degrees, and is steeped for only 1-2 minutes.

Green tea leaves can retain essential nutrients. It has higher polyphenols and high EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), a powerful antioxidant. It also has far less caffeine than black tea and just one-fourth of the caffeine found in a cup of coffee. Black tea also has more flavonoids.

Comparison Chart
  1. Little to no fermentation 
Fully oxidized by fermentation
  1. Green or yellow color
Red or black color