Difference between Constipation and Indigestion
By Rachel Jones - June 13, 2023

Constipation and indigestion are prevalent food-related complications that seem to have similar symptoms. However, they are quite different and are not just symptomized by difficulty in having easy bowel movements.


Constipation involves difficult, delayed, and infrequent defecation. That is the elimination of solid, semisolid, or liquid waste material from the digestive system via the anus. It is caused by a lack of water in the feces or a lack of fiber in the diet. This leads to a reduction in digestive tract motility and causes dry, perhaps painful bowel movements.
Indigestion, often known as dyspepsia, is characterized by disturbed digestion and unpleasant feelings in the upper belly, such as burning or discomfort. It may be accompanied by heartburn, belching, bloating, or nausea.
Indigestion symptoms include a sense of fullness during a meal, unpleasant fullness after that, and burning or discomfort in the upper belly. It might be caused by a digestive issue such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Indigestion vs. Constipation

The fundamental distinction between the two is in how they come to be in the first place. Indigestion is quite a complex condition. It can result from simple life choices such as overeating too quickly, especially greasy, fatty or spice-heavy meals. Other life choices that might lead to indigestion include stress, medications, and alcohol consumption. However, it could also result from pre-existing conditions affecting the digestive tract, such as gallstones, lactose intolerance, GERD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or even stomach cancer. Prolonged cases of indigestion unrelated to Stomach cancer may cause individuals to be diagnosed by the clinical diagnosis of indigestion known as Functional Dyspepsia, which could be caused by infections, gastroparesis, or even psychological conditions like Anxiety and Depression.
Constipation is caused by lifestyle choices such as inadequate water and fiber intake, a sedentary lifestyle, laxative overuse, or even a disruption of one’s regular diet routine. It could also be a symptom of hyperthyroidism, Multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.

Comparison Chart
  1. The Inability or difficulty passing feces from the lower digestive tract
Food is not properly digested in the upper digestive tract: the stomach and small intestine
  1. Symptoms include lower abdominal pain
Symptoms include heartburn and nausea