Difference Between Metal Roofs and Asphalt Shingles
By Claire Miles - November 13, 2022

As the top covering of a building, a roof is the top covering of a structure, comprising the materials and constructions required to support it on the building’s walls or uprights, giving protection from rain, snow, sunshine, temperature extremes, and wind. However, the materials for making roofs vary differently.

Table Summary

Metal RoofsAsphalt Shingles
Relatively expensive to acquire and installInstallation and buying are cheap
Easy and cheap to maintainMaintenance costs more
Longer lifespan Lifespan is much lower
Less likely to get damagedEasily affected by moisture and precipitation
Possibly saves energyIt does not save energy


Metal roofing systems are tiles, panels, or pieces made from metal or metallic compounds like zinc, aluminum, galvanized metals, and even copper alloyed with tin.

Asphalt shingles comprise a base material of organic material (cellulose fibers) or inorganic material (glass fibers that are then saturated and coated with asphalt for waterproofing and finally surfaced with ceramic-coated opaque mineral granules.

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Metal roofs are more durable and often come with 30- to 50-year guarantees, with lifespans ranging from 40 to 70 years. On the other hand, weather, mainly moisture and wind, can cause asphalt shingles to wear down faster, bringing their lifespan down to a maximum of 50 years. Asphalt shingles are also low-maintenance, although they require more upkeep than a metal roof. Shingles can slip and dissolve without it; an expert can only perform it. Metal roofing costs a bit more per square foot than asphalt shingle alternatives, sometimes by two or three. Also, the weight and size of metal roofing panels make installation much more difficult than with Asphalt Shingles. Metal roofing is generally considered cooler in hot areas since it reflects most of the sunshine and heat on top of a structure. Asphalt Shingles are generally much warmer.