Difference Between Purees and Smoothies
By Claire Miles - March 6, 2022

Most people have had purees and smoothies, so they know that these two are pretty similar. Requiring a blender is just one of the things that make them this comparable. However, they do differ in various ways and these two should not be used interchangeably as they are definitely not the same thing. The following article will discuss the differences between purees and smoothies.

Table Summary

Fruit or vegetable is boiled before blendedFruits are usually blended raw
There’s no liquid base when making a pureeInvolves a liquid base like coconut water.
The texture is creamy and smooth, like a pudding, and contains no lumpsThe texture isn’t as smooth as puree


A puree is a food made by blending, crushing, or grounding boiled fruit or vegetables until thick, smooth, and lump-free. Pureeing can be done in a blender, food processor, or food mill or can be completed by pushing the food through a sieve. Various soups, sauces, desserts, etc., use purees in their recipes because of their versatile application. In addition, you can puree foods like potatoes, cereals, beans, dairy products, vegetables, etc. Nuts, seeds, and dry grains are not recommended for purees because they don’t puree well.

Smoothies are thick, creamy drinks made with puréed fruits and vegetables, juices, yogurt, nuts, seeds, and dairy or nondairy milk. They are easy to prepare, portable, family-friendly, and adjustable for any taste or dietary requirement. A base and a liquid are the two most essential ingredients of a smoothie. You can then mix and match components to your desire. Incorporate frozen fruit or ice cubes if you want to give smoothies the final chilly, icy smoothness of a milkshake. However, depending on the components, their flavor profiles differ significantly.

Purees VS Smoothies

Purees bear a similar resemblance to smoothies in that they both require a blender. However, they differ in various ways;
While purees involve a boiled fruit or vegetable, smoothies usually involve a raw fruit or vegetable. Additionally, purees have this creamy texture, like a pudding, because it’s traditionally sieved after blending, while smoothies are generally thicker than purees. Smoothies could also contain lumps, as there’s no sieving involved after blending.