Difference between Wolf and Husky
By Theydiffer - January 27, 2016

Closely similar in appearance, the wolf and Siberian husky are often mistaken for each other. In truth, they are two different breed of animals and believe it or not, knowing the differences may mean the safety of your loved ones.


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Wolf – a well-known and often symbolized class in the canine family, wolves are known to be the largest of all canines on average. They are carnivores and have long gotten a bad reputation simply because they are often misunderstood. They are known to be highly intelligent animals that live in groups known as packs. Packs usually have members from 6 to 20 members, and cover a large area from 22 to 6,200 square kilometers as their territory. Wolves are found in various places throughout the northern hemisphere, and unfortunately the space they have to live in continues to get smaller all the time.

  • Physical Characteristics – The body of a wolf is covered with thick fur in a variety of colors that helps them in the coldest weather. This is because there are two types of hairs that grow in a wolf’s coat, one of them being the undercoat that acts as a water proof barrier for their skin. The eyes are known to be beautiful and fierce with colors that can go from sky gold to chocolate brown. The overall size of a wolf will depend on the location and species and can go from 4 ½ to 5 ½ feet long. They can also go from 50 lbs. to 200 lbs. in weight.
  • Behavior – By nature, wolves are very territorial wild animals and will give warning signals with loud howls and barking. Unlike dogs, they are not that easy to train and can only be trainable to a limited extent and not to perform the usual dog tricks (sit, fetch, roll-over etc.). They may appear to be doing dog things but in reality, they are not that affectionate and adoring towards strangers.

Husky – a popular breed in places having cold weather, the husky is a type of dog that resembles the wolf. They are often used to pull sleds in northern regions simply because they are said to be the cross-breed of the fastest dogs. Today, they are not only kept as a sled-dog, but also as a pet because of their beauty and playfulness.

  • Physical Characteristics – The body of a husky is also covered in thick fur on both the undercoat and top coat. They shed often and will need constant grooming. They also have eyes in various colors that can go from blue, brown, black, and even bi-eyed. An average male husky can go from 21 to 23.5 inches in height, while the female husky can go from 20 to 22 inches. The weight of the male can go between 45 and 60 lbs. while the female can go from 35 to 50 lbs.
  • Behavior – The husky breeds are known to be pack dogs and will naturally need an owner to lead them. They are energetic, athletic, and playful and are often curious about possibly everything surrounding them. This may mean a good sign for a play dog but can also mean that they are often destructive if unattended. One thing that differentiates huskies from dogs is they do not bark, but they do howl. Like any other dog, a husky is best exposed early on to different people, sounds, sights, and experiences for them to grow up to be a well-rounded pet dog.

Wolf vs Husky

What’s the difference between a wolf and a husky? While it may seem that they resemble each other, there are quite a few differences to note in order to better know what’s what and who’s who.

A wolf has larger canine teeth that can reach lengths of up to a couple of inches long. Unlike huskies, wolves also have a caudal mark (a dark spot positioned 3 to 4 inches down the base of its tail). Not to mention the fact that the instinct of a wolf will generally be wild in nature, while a husky will have the instinct of a normal domesticated dog with extra playfulness. Also, huskies and wolves are known to live normally in cold climates, but unlike huskies, wolves can live in deserts just fine. In terms of taking one in, you need a special permit in order to acquire a wolf and in most places it is illegal. Wolves need a special way of being contained while huskies do not. Wolves do not defecate in one spot unlike dogs that have a regular spot. Female wolves also go on heat once a year, whereas for a husky it’s twice. Most importantly, wolves are nearly impossible to train, are extremely destructive in nature and have a bone crushing bite.

So to summarize, wolves and huskies may have a similar physical appearance, but wolves are wild animals that should be kept in special containment facilities and not treated as a pet. Huskies on the other hand are recommended to be kept as pets, as long as you acquire the qualities of being a good pet owner.

Comparison Chart

Wild animalDomestic Dog
Has larger canine teethHas large canine teeth
Illegal to acquire in most placesLegal to acquire in most places
Can live in warm/hot placesCan’t live in warm/hot places
Has both undercoat and top coatHas both undercoat and top coat
31 to 33 inches in height (average)20 to 23.5 inches in height (standard)
50 to 200 lbs. in weight30 to 35 lbs. in weight
Has a larger head (more intelligent)Has a smaller head
Has gold or brown eyesHas blue or brown eyes